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I recently graduated from Stony Brook University summa cum laude with degrees in Applied Mathematics & Financial Information Systems. I am interested in research and career-based opportunities in the fields of computational mathematics, computer science, and their applications towards fields such as Quantitative Finance, Statistical Modeling, Data Science, etc. 


P.S. But wait there's more! I'm also an avid blues guitarist, indie music buff, and classical cellist.

Recent Work

I had the amazing opportunity to author a technical whitepaper detailing recent inflation phenomena through an ETF-based risk model and analysis of Inflation-Protected Securities.

Special Thanks to my Mentors: Dr. James Glimm and Dr. Ryan Kaufman

Languages: R, Python, Excel, LATEX

Coursework & Study


AMS 320 - Quantitative Finance

AMS 341 -  Operations Research (Deterministic)

AMS 311 - Probability & Statistics II

AMS 310 - Statistics & Probability I

AMS 315 - Data Analytics

AMS 301 - Finite Mathematical Structures

AMS 210 - Applied Linear Algebra

CSE 215 - Discrete Mathematics

MATH 4B - Differential Equations & Appl.

MATH 4A - Multivariate Calculus

AP - Single Variable Calculus I & II

PB/R - Differential Modeling & Systems










Som Naik


ISE 305 - Database Systems & Applications

CSE 214 - Data Structures & Algorithms

CSE 114 - Object-Orientated Java Programming

BUS 330 - Managerial Finance

ISE 218 - Fundamentals of ISE

ISE 334 - Multimedia Systems

AP - Newtonian Physics - Mechanics

PB/R - Non-Newtonian Mechanics & Relativity

PB/R - Quantum Wave Physics & 2D nanomaterials

PB/R - Fixed Income Securities + Inflation






AP - US Government & Politics

WRT 102 - English & Composition

WST 103 - Women Studies 

ISE 300 - Technical Communication

ISE 333 Intro to UI Design

AP - Chemistry


AP - Advanced Placement/Collegiate Level

OL - Online coursework/accreditation

PB/R - Project/Research based study

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